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  • Tunable Majorana corner modes in noncentrosymmetric superconductors:
    Tunneling spectroscopy and edge imperfections

    S. Ikegaya, W. B. Rui, D. Manske, and Andreas P. Schnyder
    Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023007 (2021)
  • Impact of impurity scattering on odd-frequency spin-triplet pairing near the edge of the Kitaev chain
    Sparsh Mishra, Shun Tamura, Akito Kobayashi, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 024501(2021)
  • Perfect Transmission and Perfect Reflection of Bogoliubov Quasiparticles in a Dynamically Unstable Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Terumichi Ohashi, Yuki Kawaguchi
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90, 034501 (2021)


  • Thermoelectric detection of Andreev states in unconventional superconductors
    Tony Savander, Shun Tamura, Christian Flindt, Yukio Tanaka, and Pablo Burset
    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043388(2020)
  • Orbital tunable 0-π transitions in Josephson junctions with noncentrosymmetric topological superconductors
    Yuri Fukaya, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka, Paola Gentile, and Mario Cuoco
    Phys. Rev. B 102, 144512(2020)
  • Visible stripe phases in spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
    N-C Chiu, Y Kawaguchi, S-K Yip and Y-J Lin
    New J. Phys. 22 093017 (2020)
  • Bulk odd-frequency pairing in the superconducting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
    Shun Tamura, Sho Nakosai, Annica M. Black-Schaffer, Yukio Tanaka, and Jorge Cayao
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 214507 (2020)
  • Identification of spin-triplet superconductivity through a helical-chiral phase transition in Sr2RuO4thin films
    S. Ikegaya, K. Yada, Y. Tanaka, S. Kashiwaya, Y. Asano, and D. Manske
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 220501(R) (2020)
  • Spin Hall conductivity in topological Dirac semimetals
    Katsuhsia Taguchi, Daisuke Oshima, Yusuke Yamaguchi, Tatsuki Hashimoto, Yukio Tanaka, and Masatoshi Sato
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 235201 (2020)
  • Theory of Tunneling Effect in 1D AIII-class Topological Insulator (Nanowire) Proximity Coupled with a Superconductor
    Ryoi Ohashi, Yukio Tanaka, and Keiji Yada
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 054701 (2020)
  • Scale-invariant relaxation dynamics in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with large particle-number imbalance
    Kazuya Fujimoto, Kazunori Haneda, Kazue Kudo, and Yuki Kawaguchi
    Phys. Rev. A 101, 023608(2020)
  • Identifying possible pairing states in Sr2RuO4 by tunneling spectroscopy
    Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 054505 (2020)
  • Generalized Berry phase for a bosonic Bogoliubov system with exceptional points
    Terumichi Ohashi, Shingo Kobayashi, and Yuki Kawaguchi
    Phys. Rev. A 101, 013625 (2020)
  • Odd-frequency pairing and proximity effect in Kitaev chain systems including a topological critical point
    Daijiro Takagi, Shun Tamura, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 024509 (2020)



  • Smectic Liquid-Crystalline Structure of Skyrmions in Chiral Magnet Co8.5Zn7.5Mn4(110) Thin Film
    T. Nagase, M. Komatsu, Y.?G. So, T. Ishida, H. Yoshida, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Tanaka, K. Saitoh, N. Ikarashi, M. Kuwahara, and M. Nagao
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 137203 (2019)
  • Time-reversal invariant superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 revealed by Josephson effects
    Satoshi Kashiwaya, Kohta Saitoh, Hiromi Kashiwaya, Masao Koyanagi, Masatoshi Sato, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka, and Yoshiteru Maeno
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 094530 (2019)
  • Spin-orbital hallmarks of unconventional superconductors without inversion symmetry
    Yuri Fukaya, Shun Tamura, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka, Paola Gentile, and Mario Cuoco
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 104524 (2019)
  • Theory of the Josephson current on a magnetically doped topological insulator
    Tsubasa Toki, Sho Nakosai, Yukio Tanaka, and Yuki Kawaguchi
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 104518 (2019)
  • Effects of phase coherence on local density of states in superconducting proximity structures
    Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Alexander A. Golubov, Yasuhiro Asano, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 024511 (2019)
  • Odd-frequency pairs in chiral symmetric systems: Spectral bulk-boundary correspondence and topological criticality
    Shun Tamura, Shintaro Hoshino, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 184512 (2019)
  • Theory of the proximity effect in two-dimensional unconventional superconductors with Rashba spin-orbit interaction
    Shun Tamura and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 184501 (2019)
  • Spin liquids from Majorana zero modes in a Cooper-pair box
    Eran Sagi, Hiromi Ebisu, Yukio Tanaka, Ady Stean, and Yuval Oreg
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 075107 (2019)
  • Influence of edge magnetization and electric fields on zigzag silicene, germanene and stanene nanoribbons
    Ayami Hattori, Keiji Yada, Masaaki Araidai, Masatoshi Sato, Kenji Shiraishi and Yukio Tanaka
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31, 105302 (2019)


  • Rotating Atomic Quantum Gases with Light-Induced Azimuthal Gauge Potentials and the Observation of the Hess-Fairbank Effect
    P.-K. Chen, L.-R. Liu, M.-J. Tsai, N.-C. Chiu, Y. Kawaguchi, S.-K. Yip, M.-S. Chang, and Y.-J. Lin
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 250401 (2018)
  • Topological Crystalline Materials of J=3/2 Electrons: Antiperovskites, Dirac Points, and High Winding Topological Superconductivity
    Takuto Kawakami, Tetsuya Okamura, Shingo Kobayashi, and Masatoshi Sato
    Phys. Rev. X 8, 041026 (2018)
  • Local impedance on a rough surface of a chiral p-wave superconductor
    S. V. Bakurskiy, Ya. V. Fominov, A. F. Shevchun, Y. Asano, Y. Tanaka, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, A. A. Golubov, M. R. Trunin, H. Kashiwaya, S. Kashiwaya, and Y. Maeno
    Phys. Rev. B 98, 134508 (2018)
  • Spin-Orbital-Angular-Momentum Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates
    H.-R. Chen, K.-Y. Lin, P.-K. Chen, N.-C. Chiu, J.-B. Wang, C.-A. Chen, P.-P. Huang, S.-K. Yip, Yuki Kawaguchi, and Y.-J. Lin
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 113204 (2018)
  • Valley Edelstein effect in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides
    K. Taguchi, B. T. Zhou, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Tanaka, and K. T. Law
    Phys. Rev. B 98, 035435 (2018)
  • Theory of tunneling spectroscopy of normal metal/ferromagnet/spin-triplet superconductor junctions
    L. A. B. Olde Olthof, S.-I. Suzuki, A. A. Golubov, M. Kunieda, S. Yonezawa, Y. Maeno, and Y. Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 98, 014508 (2018)
  • Electromagnetic effects induced by a time-dependent axion field
    Katsuhisa Taguchi, Tatsushi Imaeda, Tetsuya Hajiri, Takuya Shiraishi, Yukio Tanaka, Naoya Kitajima, and Tatsuhiro Naka
    Phys. Rev. B 97, 214409 (2018)
  • Interorbital topological superconductivity in spin-orbit coupled superconductors with inversion symmetry breaking
    Yuri Fukaya, Shun Tamura, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka, Paola Gentile, and Mario Cuoco
    Phys. Rev. B 97, 174522 (2018)
  • Symmetry-protected line nodes and Majorana flat bands in nodal crystalline superconductors
    Shingo Kobayashi, Shuntaro Sumita, Youichi Yanase, and Masatoshi Sato
    Phys. Rev. B 97, 180504(R) (2018)
  • Symmetry conditions of a nodal superconductor for generating robust flat-band Andreev bound states at its dirty surface
    Satoshi Ikegaya, Shingo Kobayashi, and Yasuhiro Asano
    Phys. Rev. B 97, 174501 (2018)
  • Local density of states in two-dimensional topological superconductors under a magnetic field: Signature of an exterior Majorana bound state
    Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Yuki Kawaguchi, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 97, 144516 (2018)
  • Tunneling conductance in two-dimensional junctions between a normal metal and a ferromagnetic Rashba metal
    Daisuke Oshima, Katsuhisa Taguchi, and Yukio Tanaka
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 87, 034710 (2018)
  • Surface Andreev Bound States and Odd-Frequency Pairing in Topological Superconductor Junctions
    Yukio Tanaka and Shun Tamura
    J. Low Temp. Phys. 191, 61 (2018)


  • Tunability of Andreev levels via spin-orbit coupling in Zeeman-split Josephson junctions
    Tatsuki Hashimoto, Alexander A. Golubov, Yukio Tanaka, and Jacob Linder
    Phys. Rev. B 96, 134508 (2017)
  • Crossing-line-node semimetals: General theory and application to rare-earth trihydrides
    Shingo Kobayashi, Youichi Yamakawa, Ai Yamakage, Takumi Inohara, Yoshihiko Okamoto, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 245208 (2017)
  • Current fluctuations in unconventional superconductor junctions with impurity scattering
    Pablo Burset, Bo Lu, Shun Tamura, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 224502 (2017)
  • Josephson effect in a muitiorbital model for Sr2RuO4
    Kohei Kawai, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka, Yasuhiro Asano, Alexander A. Golubov, and Satoshi Kashiwaya
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 174518 (2017)
  • Anisotropic Magnetic Responses of Topological Crystalline Superconductors
    Yuansen Xiong , Ai Yamakage, Shingo Kobayashi, Masatoshi Sato and Yukio Tanaka
    Crystals 7, 58 (2017)
  • Theory of surface Andreev bound states and tunneling spectroscopy in three-dimensional chiral superconductors
    Shun Tamura, Shingo Kobayashi, Lu Bo, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 104511 (2017)
  • Edge states of hydrogen terminated monolayer materials:
    silicene, germanene and stanene ribbons

    Ayami Hattori, Sho Tanaya, Keiji Yada, Masaaki Araidai, Masatoshi Sato,
    Yasuhiro Hatsugai, Kenji Shiraishi and Yukio Tanaka
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter 29 115302 (2017)
  • Generalized parafermions and nonlocal Josephson effect in multilayer systems
    Hiromi Ebisu, Eran Sagi, Yukio Tanaka, and Yuval Oreg
    Phys. Rev. B 95, 075111 (2017)


  • Superconductivity in the antiperovskite Dirac-metal oxide Sr3-xSnOMohamed Oudah, Atsutoshi Ikeda, Jan Niklas Hausmann, Shingo Yonezawa, Toshiyuki Fukumoto, Shingo Kobayashi, Masatoshi Sato and Yoshiteru Maeno
    Nature Communications, 7, 13617 (2016)
  • Topologically stable gapless phases in nonsymmorphic superconductors
    Shingo Kobayashi, Youichi Yanase, and Masatoshi Sato
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 134512 (2016)
  • Quantization of conductance minimum and index theorem
    Satoshi Ikegaya, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Yukio Tanaka, and Yasuhiro Asano
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 054512 (2016)
  • Theory of time-reversal topological superconductivity in double Rashba wires: symmetries of Cooper pairs and Andreev bound states
    Hiromi Ebisu, Bo Lu, Jelena Klinovaja, and Yukio Tanaka
    Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. (2016) 083I01
  • Angular momentum and topology in semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes
    W. Izumida, R. Okuyama, A. Yamakage, and R. Saito
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 195442 (2016)
  • Superconductivity in the Hexagonal Ternary Phosphide ScIrP
    Yoshihiko Okamoto, Takumi Inohara, Youichi Yamakawa, Ai Yamakage, and Koshi Takenaka
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 85, 013704 (2016)
  • Influence of the impurity scattering on charge transport in unconventional superconductor junctions
    Bo Lu, Pablo Burset, Yasunari Tanuma, Alexander A. Golubov, Yasuhiro Asano, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 014504 (2016)
  • Tunneling and Josephson effects in odd-frequency superconductor junctions: A study on multichannel Kondo chain
    Shintaro Hoshino, Keiji Yada, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 224511 (2016)
  • All-electrical generation and control of odd-frequency s-wave Cooper pairs in double quantum dots
    Pablo Burset, Bo Lu, Hiromi Ebisu, Yasuhiro Asano, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 201402(R) (2016)
  • Spin and charge transport induced by a twisted light beam on the surface of a topological insulator
    Kunitaka Shintani, Katsuhisa Taguchi, Yukio Tanaka, and Yuki Kawaguchi
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 195415 (2016)
  • Skyrmionic magnetization configurations at chiral magnet/ferromagnet heterostructures
    Yuki Kawaguchi, Yukio Tanaka, and Naoto Nagaosa
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 064416 (2016)
  • Josephson current in a normal-metal nanowire coupled to a superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junction
    Hiromi Ebisu, Bo Lu, Katsuhisa Taguchi, Alexander A. Golubov, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 024509 (2016)
  • Line-Node Dirac Semimetal and Topological Insulating Phase in Noncentrosymmetric Pnictides CaAgX (X = P, As)
    Ai Yamakage, Youichi Yamakawa, Yukio Tanaka, and Yoshihiko Okamoto
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 85, 013708 (2016)



  • Fragile surface zero-energy flat bands in three-dimensional chiral superconductors
    Shingo Kobayashi, Yukio Tanaka, and Masatoshi Sato
    Phys. Rev. B 92, 214514 (2015)
  • Superconducting proximity effect in three-dimensional topological insulators in the presence of a magnetic field
    Pablo Burset, Bo Lu, Grigory Tkachov, Yukio Tanaka, Ewelina M. Hankiewicz, and Bj&oumlrn Trauzettel
    Phys. Rev. B 92, 205424 (2015)
  • Theory of tunneling conductance of anomalous Rashba metal/superconductor junctions
    Toshiyuki Fukumoto, Katsuhisa Taguchi, Shingo Kobayashi, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 92, 144514 (2015)
  • Anomalous Josephson effect in d-wave superconductor junctions on a topological insulator surface
    Bo Lu, Keiji Yada, A. A. Golubov, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B. 92, 100503(R) (2015)
  • Inversion symmetry of Josephson current as test of chiral domain wall motion in Sr2RuO4
    Kohta Saitoh, Satoshi Kashiwaya, Hiromi Kashiwaya, Yasunori Mawatari, Yasuhiro Asano, Yukio Tanaka, and Yoshiteru Maeno
    Phys. Rev. B. 92, 100504(R) (2015)
  • Spin-charge transport driven by magnetization dynamics on the disordered surface of doped topological insulators
    Katsuhisa Taguchi, Kunitaka Shintani, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B. 92, 035425 (2015)
  • Josephson current in Fe-based superconducting junctions: Theory and experiment
    A. V. Burmistrova, I. A. Devyatov, Alexander A. Golubov, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka, M. Tortello, R. S. Gonnelli, V. A. Stepanov, Xiaxin Ding, Hai-Hu Wen, and L. H. Greene
    Phys. Rev. B. 91, 214501 (2015)
  • Majorana braiding dynamics in nanowires
    Cassio Sozinho Amorim, Kazuto Ebihara, Ai Yamakage, Yukio Tanaka, and Masatoshi Sato
    Phys. Rev. B. 91, 174305 (2015)
  • Odd-frequency superconducting states with different types of Meissner response: Problem of coexistence
    Ya. V. Fominov, Y. Tanaka, Y. Asano, and M. Eschrig
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 144514 (2015)
  • Odd-frequency pairing in topological superconductivity in a one-dimensional magnetic chain
    Hiromi Ebisu, Keiji Yada, Hideaki Kasai, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 054518 (2015)


  • Dirac-fermion-induced parity mixing in superconducting topological insulators
    Takeshi Mizushima, Ai Yamakage, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 184516 (2014)
  • Consequences of bulk odd-frequency superconducting states for the classification of Cooper pairs
    Yasuhiro Asano, Yakov V. Fominov, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 094512 (2014)
  • Transport signatures of superconducting hybrids with mixed singlet and chiral triplet states
    Pablo Burset, Felix Keidel, Yukio Tanaka, Naoto Nagaosa, and Bjorn Trauzettel
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 085438 (2014)
  • Anomalous surface states at interfaces in p-wave superconductors
    S. V. Bakurskiy, A. A. Golubov, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, K. Yada, and Y. Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 064513 (2014)
  • Topological Blount’s theorem of odd-parity superconductors
    Shingo Kobayashi, Ken Shiozaki, Yukio Tanaka, and Masatoshi Sato
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 024516 (2014)
  • Topological phase transition in a topological crystalline insulator induced by finite-size effects
    Hideyuki Ozawa, Ai Yamakage, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 045309 (2014)
  • Fermion fractionalization to Majorana fermions in a dimerized Kitaev superconductor
    Ryohei Wakatsuki, Motohiko Ezawa, Yukio Tanaka, and Naoto Nagaosa
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 014505 (2014)
  • Giant magnetoresistance in the junction of two ferromagnets on the surface of diffusive topological insulators
    Katsuhisa Taguchi, Takehito Yokoyama, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 89, 085407 (2014)
  • Correlated spin currents generated by resonant-crossed Andreev reflections in topological superconductors
    J. J. He, J. Wu, T. P. Choy, X.J Liu, Y. Tanaka, K. T. Law
    Nature Communications, 5, 3232 (2014)
  • Theoretical Modeling and Properties of Class DIII Topological Superconductors
    S. Nakosai, Y. Tanaka and N. Nagaosa
    Physica E, 55, 37 (2014)
  • Tunneling spectroscopy of topological superconductors
    S. Kashiwaya, H. Kashiwaya, K. Saitoh, Y. Mawatari, and Y. Tanaka
    Physica E, 55, 25 (2014)



  • Majorana fermions and odd-frequency Cooper pairs in a normal-metal nanowire proximity-coupled to a topological superconductor
    Yasuhiro Asano and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 87, 104513 (2013)
  • Superconducting Pairing Symmetry on the Extended Hubbard Model in the Presence of the Rashba-Type Spin?Orbit Coupling
    Keisuke Shigeta, Seiichiro Onari, and Yukio Tanaka
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 014702 (2013)
  • Anomalous Josephson current in superconducting topological insulator
    Ai Yamakage, Masatoshi Sato, Keiji Yada, Satoshi Kashiwaya, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 87, 100510(R) (2013)
  • Theory of Tunneling Spectroscopy of Multi-Band Superconductors
    Angelina V. Burmistrova, Igor A. Devyatov, Alexander A. Golubov, Keiji Yada, and Yukio Tanaka
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 034716 (2013)
  • Crossover between BCS Superconductor and Doped Mott Insulator of d-Wave Pairing State in Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
    Hisatoshi Yokoyama, Masao Ogata, Yukio Tanaka, Kenji Kobayashi, and Hiroki Tsuchiura
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 014707 (2013)
  • Majorana Bound States and Nonlocal Spin Correlations in a Quantum Wire on an Unconventional Superconductor
    Sho Nakosai, Jan Carl Budich, Yukio Tanaka, Bjorn Trauzettel, and Naoto Nagaosa
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 117002 (2013)
  • Robustness of Spin-Triplet Pairing and Singlet-Triplet Pairing Crossover in Superconductor/Ferromagnet Hybrids
    Shiro Kawabata, Yasuhiro Asano, Yukio Tanaka, and Alexander A. Golubov
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 124702 (2013)
  • Symmetry-Protected Majorana Fermions in Topological Crystalline Superconductors: Theory and Application to Sr2RuO4
    Yuji Ueno, Ai Yamakage, Yukio Tanaka, and Masatoshi Sato
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 087002 (2013)
  • Two-dimensional p-wave superconducting states with magnetic moments on a conventional s-wave superconductor
    Sho Nakosai, Yukio Tanaka, and Naoto Nagaosa
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 180503(R) (2013)



  • Theory of Proximity Effect in Ferromagnet/Superconductor Heterostructures in the Presence of Spin Dependent Interfacial Phase Shift
    Daisuke Yoshizaki, Alexander A. Golubov1, Yukio Tanaka1 and Yasuhiro Asano
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 51, 010108 (2012)
  • Finite size effects of the surface states in a lattice model of topological insulator
    Kazuto Ebihara, Keiji Yada, Ai Yamakage, and Yukio Tanaka
    Physica E, 44, 885 (2012)
  • Evolution of Edge States and Critical Phenomena in the Rashba Superconductor with Magnetization
    Ai Yamakage, Yukio Tanaka, and Naoto Nagaosa
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 087003 (2012)
  • Theory of tunneling conductance and surface-state transition in superconducting topological insulators
    Ai Yamakage, Keiji Yada, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 85, 180509(R) (2012)
  • Theory of tunneling spectroscopy for chiral topological superconductors
    Akihiro Ii, Ai Yamakage, Keiji Yada, Masatoshi Sato, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 86, 174512 (2012)
  • Anomalous surface impedance in a normal-metal/superconductor junction with a spin-active interface
    Yasuhiro Asano, Masahiro Ozaki, Tetsuro Habe, Alexander A. Golubov, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 86, 024510 (2012)
  • Odd-frequency Cooper-pair amplitude around a vortex core in a chiral p-wave superconductor in the quantum limit
    Takeshi Daino, Masanori Ichioka, Takeshi Mizushima, and Yukio Tanaka
    Phys. Rev. B 86, 064512 (2012)
  • High-Supercurrent-Density Contacts and Josephson Effect of Strontium Ruthenate
    Kohta Saitoh, Satoshi Kashiwaya, Hiromi Kashiwaya, Masao Koyanagi, Yasunori Mawatari, Yukio Tanaka, and Yoshiteru Maeno
    Appl. Phys. Express, 5, 11301, 1 (2012)